Wai Comply Articles

Startup Watch: Wai Comply Limited
Wai Comply aims to bring peace of mind to the drinking water sector. ‘Wai’ is the Maori word for water, and ‘comply’ stands for compliance.
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You’ve Found a Water Quality Non-compliance: But Just How ‘Material’ is it?
One of the things that always needs to be established, when assessing conformance against criteria, is the materiality of a finding against that criterion.
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Wai Comply – Keeping us all safe
Water is something that’s on everyone’s lips – both literally and figuratively. We can’t live without water, but we need
to know it’s safe to drink
Interesting Reads

The ‘3 Ps’ for water quality management system auditing in a virtual world
The COVID-19 pandemic has flipped everything on its head, including the way we undertake water quality management system audits.
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Risk-based, best practice principles for drinking water quality regulation
Governance is an essential part of managing any resource, but if you were starting from a clean slate, what sort of framework would you use?
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